Saturday, 23 July 2011

Chapter 50- 20,000 Hours

Chapter 50
20,000 Hours

A Small blue planet
Smoke rose sullenly from the old city and the screams were nothing more than faded memories and distant echoes now.  A proud battle tank stood motionless in the middle of the street, blood turning black in the rising sun.

Barricades had broken and defenses had been breached.  Nothing was left to stand in the way of the storm.  A piece of cloth, now void of meaning, fluttered on in the breeze.

The parade ground was dotted with human shaped forms but no one spoke, no one cheered or saluted, or smiled, or laughed or wrote anything down.  No one remembered the Beatles, or Marilyn Monroe.  No one remembered the fall of the Berlin Wall or the Moon landings.

No one recalled their first kiss, their first crush or their babies first words.  No one cared or doubted, no one loved or hated, no one had a heart full of spite or a mind full of fears.

No one, no one, no one……

The cloth fluttered meaninglessly in the breeze

1 comment:

  1. O Death, where is thy victory?
    O Grave, where is thy sting?

    The wages of sin are death,
    but we are delivered from death
    by the Love of Christ Jesus.
